(602) 834-0494

Natural Medicine


Tips to Manage “Stressgiving”

Let’s get this out of the way: I love the candied yams with the toasted marshmallows on Thanksgiving. They’re delicious! If I could eat just those for Thanksgiving dinner, I would. I’m sure you have you favorites too. Thanksgiving is a time of family – and that also...

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Tips for Surviving Sugar Season

Welcome to October, or as I like to call it, the start of "Sugar Season". It starts with Halloween candy. Then come the holiday treats. We get chocolate fever around Valentine's Day and that takes us right into Easter's jellybeans, Peeps and chocolate bunnies. Every...

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Diet Soda vs Regular Soda – which is better for you?

Many of my patients declare their soda consumption as safe by explaining how they “only drink diet soda, without any of that sugar,” while others state “I only drink regular soda, none of that diet stuff.” Everyone seems to have the belief that one type of carbonated...

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Balance Your Bacteria

I don't want to creep you out, but we are covered in trillions of bacteria. In fact, there are ten times more bacterial cells on and in our bodies than there are the cells that make us human. Now if this is making your skin crawl, it's only because we only hear about...

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The Lowdown on Hydration

You need to hydrate. How many times have you heard that one? (And how many times have you heard it from me?) That's because water is essential to life. In fact, our bodies are 60-75% H2O. It is the fuel and lubrication that keeps us healthy and balanced. Water keeps...

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Weight Loss

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